- 姓名:同學
- 申請學歷:本科
- 錄取時間:2018
- 主錄取院校: 印第安納大學伯明頓分校(Indiana University Bloomington)
- 其他錄取學校:
- 錄取專業(yè):Finance
- 獎學金情況:無
- 畢業(yè)/在讀學校:美國某大學
- 就讀專業(yè):Finance
- 成績情況:4.0/4.0
- 語言情況:TOEFL108 (R29, S23, L27, W29)
Boston U:Mathematics
U Mich-Ann Arbor:文理學院-undeclared
Indiana U –Bloomington:Finance (錄取)
1. 關(guān)于WKU和學校背景:
學生就讀的WKU是一所中美合辦的大學,可以算作Kean University在溫州的分校區(qū)。中美合作肯恩項目教學與學術(shù)事務(wù)由美方負責,項目課程從美方引進,專任教師由美方選派,使用美國原版教材,實施全英文小班化教學。成績單由學生在Kean University官網(wǎng)直接order(同美國本部的學生)
2. 關(guān)于美國轉(zhuǎn)學申請(國際生)要求:
不是所有學院都接受國際轉(zhuǎn)學生(例如University of Michigan Ann Arbor,只有文理學院和工程學校招生國際轉(zhuǎn)學生)
3. 關(guān)于大學成績單認證:
大部分美國學校要求國際轉(zhuǎn)學生提供大學階段的成績單認證報告。鑒于該學生的情況,我們主動和各學校聯(lián)系確認是否需要提供(因為WKU從地域上是屬于非美學校,但學生實際提交的成績單是由美國學校方直接提供的)。溝通結(jié)果顯示,大部分學校可以接受美方直接開具的成績單,不用額外的認證(除了Boston U,這所學校表示所有國際生必須提供大學期間的成績單認證,但學校也表示會把學生的情況記錄,在審理時根據(jù)實際情況酌情處理,目前正在審理中)
4. 關(guān)于學分要求:
5. 關(guān)于先修課要求:
商學院Required Coursework for Transfers
轉(zhuǎn)入大二:If you wish to transfer into the sophomore year at Stern, you should have completed:
· 1 semester of calculus I or higher (NYU’s MATH-UA 121 or higher or equivalent)
· 1-2 semesters of writing/composition
轉(zhuǎn)入大三:If you wish to transfer into the junior year at Stern, you should have completed:
· 1 semester of calculus I or higher (NYU’s MATH-UA 121 or higher or equivalent)
· 1-2 semesters of writing/composition
· 1 semester of introductory-level microeconomics (NYU's ECON-UA 2 Introduction to Microeconomics or equivalent)
· 1 semester of statistics and regression (NYU’s STAT-UB 103 Statistics for Business Control and Regression/Forecasting Models or equivalent)
· 1 semester of financial accounting (NYU’S ACCT-UB 1 Principles of Financial Accounting or equivalent)
Note: Completing the above prerequisites at your current institution does not guarantee transfer of credit. We will not transfer any AP credit your current school may have awarded you in AB Calculus, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Statistics, or English Language. If admitted, do not plan on taking additional coursework the summer before you enter Stern.(錄取后無需再修夏季課程)
· The calculus course must be the equivalent of calculus I or higher as offered to math majors. Calculus courses for non-math majors typically do not satisfy the calculus requirement . You may also use a score of 4 or 5 on AP BC Calculus, a 6 or 7 on a higher-level IB Math, or an A or B in GCE A-level math to satisfy the math requirement.
· Students transferring into the junior year should have completed at least an introductory microeconomics course (blended, one-semester microeconomics-macroeconomics courses are not sufficient). If you take an introductory microeconomics course but are unable to take/complete an intermediate-level microeconomics course at your current institution, you’ll be required to take an upper-level economics course at NYU after you transfer.
· Acceptance of your statistics credit would depend on passing a Stern proficiency exam after admission.
Additional Suggested Coursework for Transfers
You may have greater flexibility with course selection after admission if you have already taken the following courses:
1 natural science course (or an AP score of 4 or 5 in a science)
1 additional semester of writing/composition
1 statistics course (NYU's STAT-UB 3 or an equivalent multiple regression course highly recommended)
1 financial accounting course (NYU’s ACCT-UB 1 Principles of Financial Accounting or equivalent)
1 intermediate-level microeconomics course
1 natural science course (or an AP score of 4 or 5 in a science)
1 additional writing/composition course or an Introductory philosophy or "great books" course (NYU’s CORE-UA 400-499 Texts & Ideas or equivalent)
1 history/arts course focusing on a specific culture or region (NYU’s CORE-UA 500-599 Cultures & Contexts or equivalent)
Introductory business courses such as management Management (NYU’s MGMT-UB 1 Management & Organizations or equivalent), Operations (NYU’s OPMG-UB 1 Operations Management or equivalent), or Marketing (NYU’s MKTG-UB 1 Intro to Marketing or equivalent)
Note: Certain business courses will require passing a Stern proficiency exam after admission.
Admission to the College of Arts and Science is very competitive. Depending on space, we accept 10 to 30 percent of our transfer applicants. Our most competitive applicants have completed at least one full-time semester of college/university coursework at another accredited institution and earned A and B grades in their liberal arts and science/math courses. If you’re still in your first semester when you apply, our evaluation will focus heavily on mid-term grades and high school performance.
Here are some other things transfers should consider:
You must declare a major when you apply.
We are unable to consider transfer applicants for our dual programs in engineering and dentistry.
Transfer students admitted to the College of Arts and Science may apply for admission to the International Relations program only after being admitted to NYU. Admission to this program is not guaranteed. Visit the website to learn more.
You may have to retake courses you already took at your previous college/university. Credit will only be given for the “retaken” course.
Some of our majors require that you take a minimum number of semesters in order to graduate. If entering NYU as a junior, consult an adviser to ensure you meet this requirement.
Some of your previous coursework may not count toward your major at NYU.
6. 關(guān)于商學院轉(zhuǎn)學申請:
很多美國大學的商學院不能直接接受非本校的轉(zhuǎn)學生,也不接受在非本校商學院修完的商科課程。這種情況下,學生會被錄入pre-business program,需要在學校完成1-2學期的課程,并完成規(guī)定的學分后才會正式轉(zhuǎn)入商學院入讀。